the best way to define incest is by an example. The following case
was described this week in many papers around the world. This article
is from the Irish Independent:
12 DECEMBER 2013
Twelve children have been removed from a camp in a remote bushland area in Australia after authorities exposed a horrific case of incest involving several generations of the same family.
the worst instance of incest in the nation's history, the case was
exposed after locals spotted malnourished children in a valley who
were not attending school. It involved 40 adults and children from
four generations who lived in squalid caravans, tents and sheds about
20 miles from the nearest town.
children ranging in age from five to 16 years old were found in the
camp, eleven of whom came from related parents. One child said he and
his siblings were told never to tell anyone that their father was
their grandfather.
incest dated back decades and the children belonged to five different
mothers, including three sisters aged 47, 46 and 33 who slept with
their brother. Some of the children could not speak intelligibly,
were shy and developmentally delayed, had poor hearing and sight, and
were incapable of using a toothbrush, toilet paper or washing
themselves. Some reportedly had physical deformities caused by having
parents with identical gene patterns.
other two mothers included a daughter of one of the sisters and were
both found to be born from related parents. One of these mothers had
a child who died of Zellweger syndrome, a rare genetic disease.
testing showed the incest may have been repeated over generations and
involved children as young as five. There was no suggestion the
families were part of a religious cult.
in Australia have
not revealed the name of the family or the location of the camp,
though it is understood to be south-west of Sydneynear
a town of 2000 people.
sets of families apparently derived from a couple who married in New
Zealand in 1966 and moved to Australia in the 1970s. As the group
grew larger, it moved around Australia to avoid detection.
being taken into care, children as young as eight have revealed they
have been sexually abused by underage siblings and cousins.
children were discovered last year after police raided the camp,
which had no electricity or running water. Locals had alerted
authorities after observing several children who were not attending
school. After the raid, one police officer told colleagues she would
never recover from what she observed.
said the families lived on an isolated farm but the men worked in the
district and family members would shop in the town.
from the noise of the chainsaws, they didn't really worry us," a
neighbour told The Sydney
Morning Herald.
"I knew there were children living up there, but I never heard
any noise of laughing or playing."
Children's Court in the state ofNew South Wales said there was
evidence of "intergenerational incest" and ordered that the
children be removed from the camp. They have since been placed with
foster parents.
in the state of Victoria have
also removed children from a related family which was not living in
the camp.
parents have been ordered to stay away from the children and one of
the mothers has been charged after attempting to remove her child
from care.
children have come forward with harrowing reports of abuse. A
13-year-old girl reported sexual contact with her uncle, aged 9,
while her aunt, aged 8, watched on. Two sisters aged 7 and 9 reported
sexual contact with their brothers, aged 12, 14 and 15.
of the mothers have disputed the genetic evidence and insisted the
children were from unrelated fathers. The men named as fathers were
reportedly all dead or could not be located.
consequence of inbreeding within families or those with close genetic
ties becomes manifest in genetic conditions and mutations. In an
Irish context incest is encountered too frequently through our
exposure to horrific cases of child abuse. It is only a
few weeks since the brother of Gerry Adams was jailed for having
sexually abused his own daughter over a period of many years.
practice of incest can be recognised on the level of sexual relations
and its near universal taboo is primarily based upon the consequence
of mutation, of dysmorphia and various congenital conditions that
arise out of these unnatural unions. One might ask then in the
absence of genetic consequence, in the absence of disease, pathology,
or observable mutation, might it become acceptable for sexual
relations to occur between siblings or a father and a daughter? If
perhaps those relations begin when both parties are adults and as
such are deemed consensual, where is the harm in such relations?
To most of
us, regardless of the presence or absence of observable, genetic
consequence, the practice of incest remains abhorrent, at least when
it is between relatives of immediate family members. However,
as the distance between relatives increases, so too does our
collective tolerance for the practice. Sexual relations between
cousins, are not as frowned upon, and in many cultures it is not
unusual for relations, or arranged marriages to occur between men and
the children of their brothers and sisters their nephews and nieces.
Sexual relations between Woody Allen and the adopted daughter of his
girlfriend of 10 years Mia Farrow, are an example of a type of
relations within immediate family that are somewhat acceptable once
the genetic implications have been removed. Incest is clearly the
point at which the fickle laws of morality are at odds with the more
definitive principles of genetics and biology.
incest has been practised to preserve familial wealth and power,
or the to serve the twisted psychology of the perpetrators when visited upon children or
innocents. Few of us need be reminded of the practice of
Pharaohs who were quite often wedded to a sibling. The Pharaoh
then engaged in the age old practice of concubinage in order to
circumvent genetic principles and provide the dynasty with a healthy
blood line. The Pharaohs (or the priestly administrators of their
empires) were attempting to protect themselves from contamination of
their status as deities, as such they could not be seen to adulterate their pedigree with the seed of mere mortals.
desire to protect the lineage from adulteration or to keep outsiders
at bay, is preserved in the practice of incest within contemporary social
groups. The Irish travelling community for example have a high
rate of genetic conditions that are a consequence of the reluctance
of that community to engage in relations with outsiders amongst the 'settled'
community. In many cases marriages between members of the
travelling community are arranged and are on occasion are between those
of near genetic relatives.
The practice of arranged marriages in many middle eastern cultures are preserved for similar and entirely preservational reasons. What differs only is the commodity that is being preserved; wealth, culture, religion or political power, incest remains an act of preservation, albeit a preservation from the 'contamination' of distant, a different and sometimes healthier genetic material.
The practice of arranged marriages in many middle eastern cultures are preserved for similar and entirely preservational reasons. What differs only is the commodity that is being preserved; wealth, culture, religion or political power, incest remains an act of preservation, albeit a preservation from the 'contamination' of distant, a different and sometimes healthier genetic material.
Australian case described above differs in the inclusion of horrific abuse,
and in the breaking of the near universal taboo against relations
between siblings, and between parents and children. However the
'reasons' for the practice can be considered upon similar
grounds. Behind the practice lies the will or desire to keep
others out; to preserve the tribe from external influence. The
threat of a potential dilution of culture or resource, drives them
to mate within their own social class or grouping. Perhaps
understandably Irish Travellers would rather that their children
remain as travellers, and be 'proud' of their heritage and their
culture. In this sense there is an unspoken pressure towards
the maintenance and encouragement of marriage and or sexual relations
within the travelling community itself. As more travellers experience and succumb to the pressure to become settled, the genetic pool of that community, becomes progressively smaller and more prone to pathology.
members of the 'community' in the Australian example were desirous to
keep the public and the authorities out of their community. To keep others from
contaminating their authority and autonomy with the 'normal' rules
that would apply to sexual relations, and paternal authority.
From an anthropological Racism might also be considered as a sort of
incest. White supremacists consider interbreeding between
different ethnicities to be a 'contamination' from the outside. My own Chikldren given the non-white status of their mother would I imagine be considered by the average racists as 'mongrels' or at least not as thoroughbreds.
According to the racist or supremacist, whites must breed within
their own and somewhat incestuous ethnic grouping.
The Nationalist who wishes to preserve his borders from
contamination by foreign influence may be considered to have a
somewhat incestuous view of global demographics.
When we
encounter incest, particularly when it is accompanied by the abuse of
children, what is absent from the usual hue and cry of condemnation
is either the willingness or capacity to look deeper into the
practice itself. To understand it, and to recognise it not
merely when it is accompanied by the horror of child abuse, but rather to
understand it as a universal product of human psychology. If we
think about it for longer than a moment there is an element of that
same incest in the apparently benign activity of waving of a flag.
What is important is not the somewhat voyeuristic engagement of looking into an incestuous social grouping or family framework, but rather the more intellectually demanding task of asking why incest should remain part of our collective psychological make up? To see as it were, our own particular incests. When we do this we learn something real from the horrific and disturbing encounter. We might even come away from the encounter a little wiser and the terrible suffering of the victim may not have been entirely in vain.
What is important is not the somewhat voyeuristic engagement of looking into an incestuous social grouping or family framework, but rather the more intellectually demanding task of asking why incest should remain part of our collective psychological make up? To see as it were, our own particular incests. When we do this we learn something real from the horrific and disturbing encounter. We might even come away from the encounter a little wiser and the terrible suffering of the victim may not have been entirely in vain.
It is only
through a deeper analysis (rarely encountered in mainstream media) that we might come to understand incest and evolve our society to a form where such incestuous and or abusive
practices are no longer possible. To get rid of evil we must first take ownership of it. In the absence of
introspection and the presence of continued media or
journalistic exposure of incest and most kinds of abuse, we accomplish
nothing other than the titillation and entertainment of the consumer,
who has purchased these words and images.
In this sense we the observers, we the consumers of media, remain as impotent voyeurs, indulging in the macabre from the safe but entirely tenuous vantage of the 'high moral ground'. My point being that knowledge brings with it an obligation to act, to address the suffering that has just provided us with our entertainment, as we turn the pages of the broadsheet beside our cosy hearth on a Sunday afternoon. Of course we can do nothing to alleviate the suffering of an incestuous family group far away in the Australian outback,. Yet, this knowledge that we have brought into the privacy of our own minds can serve as entertainment, titillation, or it can cause us to think upon, and perhaps even address our own incests.
The evils we encounter in the media are but the manifest expression of universal traits. One man might express his incest in the context of his family another in the context of her race and another by simply waving a flag. There is not one horror that we might encounter upon the broad-sheets that might not equally remind us of the potential horrors that reside within us all. When we fail to do this, when we fail to use the suffering of others as reason to reflect upon the suffering we ourselves inflict upon others, upon animals or upon the earth; when we consume the suffering of others as a sort of 'benign' entertainment for our Sunday afternoon read, we approach the apathy of the perpetrators we are wont to condemn with enthusiasm.
In this sense we the observers, we the consumers of media, remain as impotent voyeurs, indulging in the macabre from the safe but entirely tenuous vantage of the 'high moral ground'. My point being that knowledge brings with it an obligation to act, to address the suffering that has just provided us with our entertainment, as we turn the pages of the broadsheet beside our cosy hearth on a Sunday afternoon. Of course we can do nothing to alleviate the suffering of an incestuous family group far away in the Australian outback,. Yet, this knowledge that we have brought into the privacy of our own minds can serve as entertainment, titillation, or it can cause us to think upon, and perhaps even address our own incests.
The evils we encounter in the media are but the manifest expression of universal traits. One man might express his incest in the context of his family another in the context of her race and another by simply waving a flag. There is not one horror that we might encounter upon the broad-sheets that might not equally remind us of the potential horrors that reside within us all. When we fail to do this, when we fail to use the suffering of others as reason to reflect upon the suffering we ourselves inflict upon others, upon animals or upon the earth; when we consume the suffering of others as a sort of 'benign' entertainment for our Sunday afternoon read, we approach the apathy of the perpetrators we are wont to condemn with enthusiasm.
Without a
willingness to engage with either incest or the abuse of children in
a meaningful way, one must question the motives of media and
consumers alike. We buy, sell and indulge ourselves in the gory details of abuse as though they were a marketable commodity, as though these immoralities were not universal. In the absence of either a
willingness to consider our own incest we are culpable in the preservation of these practices. We are condemned by a self serving oblivion to an infinity of perverse
observation and consumption.
Irish society, nowhere is the practice of incest more blatantly,
indulgently and dangerously flaunted than at the national
broadcasting agency RTE. Within this institution we can observe
the practice of an intellectual incest that has had profound
consequence upon the psychology and ideals of Irish society.
Arguably the effects of this particular form of incest are more
destructive and more far reaching than the brute vulgarity that is
exposed in New South Wales, for not only has it effectively paralysed
intellectual discourse in Ireland, but has petrified the ideologies
and social 'norms' that make many forms of incest possible, and
encourage them to flourish.
Like the
offspring of any incestuous union it is understandably quite
difficulty for us to recognise how we ourselves should be 'wrong',
should be the miscreant products of an incestuous or unnatural union.
Our intellectual status as the products of incest, makes it more difficult than
might otherwise be the case to recognise the wrongness of incest in
this particular instance. We look upon the parental avuncular
purveyors of national opinion and national sentiment, with the dotage
of children looking upon their ostensibly loving parents. We remain
reluctant to consider the incestuous nature of our intellectual
parentage, and overlook the reality that they are precisely same
purveyors of sentiment who sang the praise of the boom and now weep
the despair of the bust.
consequence of incest at RTE, is National blindness and paralysis of thought. It is
manifest in the intellectual inertia of the Irish people, in our
collective inability to see beyond contemporary flawed paradigms. Our
dysmorphia is reflected in our incapacity
to see for example that the economic growth and so called
"prosperity", that we nationally aspire to, is no
different to the growth and prosperity that produced the economic
collapse we are trying to escape.
the collapse and near universal agreement that something went
terribly wrong, we remain entirely fixed upon the same notions of
prosperity and 'growth' that precipitated the catastrophe.
Despite the blatant incompatibility of global ecology with
capitalism, we remain wedded, (not only to ideals which precipitated
a collapse that could not be predicted) but wedded to ideals
that are precipitating an ecological collapse that we can not only
predict, but have the benefit of observing through the processes of
global warming, climate change and loss of species.
for example the current notion that our present recession and ongoing
economic woes will be most effectively addressed through an 'increase
in consumer spending' There
are few economists who would argue against this mutation in
logical thought. Yet what are we asserting here? Only that the
same behaviours that produced the economic collapse are the same
behaviours that will effectively treat it. Salvation through consumption and spending, this is the idiocy we have begun to bleat in unison, like the sheep in Animal Farm bleating,"four legs good but two legs better". Our intellectual
horizon can reach no further than the notion that one might cure ones cancer by smoking more cigarettes.
From where
has this intellectual or philosophical paralysis originated? I
contend it has originated almost entirely from the incestuous
practices of our national media, and in this sense that same media
represents the most significant threat to the mental and intellectual
health of our nation.
It is a
tragedy of modern Ireland that there is no place, no journal or media
outlet where this observation might be considered. Criticism of the
media can only arise from the highly unlikely source of the media
itself. On the shelves of Irish magazine or newspaper shops
there is not a single publication that is devoted to ideas, to new or
alternative thinking or views. Not one magazine of ideas or
publication where in those who might offer some dissent from the
current socio-political model might have the opportunity to speak out
or be heard. Even amongst the weekend supplements of our Nation's broad sheets is there a single example of thought that is outside of the market, of a thought that is alternative to that of the majority.
In a bizarre twist of fate, our democracy has become more oppressive and less tolerant of freedom of thought or expression than the colonial authority that it replaced, or any of its fascist or totalitarian counterparts through history. At present we have become willing subjects in the worship of the market, reality is merely what sells, churches are empty and shopping malls have become the new cathedrals.
In a bizarre twist of fate, our democracy has become more oppressive and less tolerant of freedom of thought or expression than the colonial authority that it replaced, or any of its fascist or totalitarian counterparts through history. At present we have become willing subjects in the worship of the market, reality is merely what sells, churches are empty and shopping malls have become the new cathedrals.
communist Russia, or during the height of the Nazi campaign to
redefine European culture, there was always an underground movement,
a counter to the totality of the regime. When Ireland was under British authority
there was a palpable revolutionary spirit, a physical underground
movement of resistance, and one of cultural preservation. Yet Ireland and the
west have entirely and wholeheartedly embraced the latest invasion,
the process of globalisation and the worship of market forces as our new divinity. Today to be anti-democratic, to
be anti-growth or anti-capitalist, is to brand oneself not
merely as a leftist or a 'greenie', but as a lunatic. The new totalitarianism differs from those of the past in that, it lacks a critical voice and is indeed a totality. For this,if we cared to, we have ourselves and we have RTE to blame.
In the
absence of an alternative voice, incest at RTE continues to invest
itself with its own ideals, with the wasted and broken ideals of the
prawn cocktail, the Dallas and Falcon Crest generation. Even music and art itself has been turned to stone. Throughout Europe there are artists, musicians, thinkers film makers who are pushing the boundaries of thought and creativity. Yet our membership of the EU has rendered us more insular and culturally isolated than ever before. Turn on RTE, listen to the music, to the opinions, the ideas. Are they any different to that of twenty years ago? This is the art, music and media of yesteryear, it has long since past its expiration. We are being fed upon a diet of mouldy bread.
In 1999
Gay Byrne resigned from RTE, only to be rehired by RTE one year
later. It is often proudly declared (usually by someone at RTE) that
Byrne's main show The Late Late Show is the worlds longest
running chat show, having been running for 52 years. Similarly one
might ask how it might be that in a medium as dynamic and evolving as
Television, how a show could have remained in the same petrified form
(there's one for everyone in the audience) for five consecutive
decades? This is reflective of something that is paralysed within
the Irish psyche, an aspect of our thinking that resists change and
intellectual evolution. This paralysis brought us control by the
British, control by the Catholic Church and lately control by the new
and largely unseen neo-liberal ideal.
Upon the
night of Byrne's last show Bono presented him with a Harley Davidson
motorcycle, (the unusable in honour of the uninterested). The
presentation was richly symbolic and a fitting reference to the
neo-liberal ideals that the show had championed and embraced as a
progressive break with the then paralysis of the Catholic Church.
Byrne was famous for shocking good Catholics throughout the land
during the contraception debates in Ireland, when he controversially
opened a condom on his show and described how it might be used. A
tragedy for Irish thought was that Mrs Byrne had not opened one
herself some forty years previously.
Little did
he know that his own brand of then progressive ideology was to become
the new oppression and the new paralysis that Ireland has yet to
escape from. His gift from Bono was entirely symbolic of the new
order that Ireland was starving to embrace and remains hungry to
continue consuming; the American dream. It is only fitting that at
close of Byrne's career that he should be seen to ride off into the
sunset on his Harley Davidson, presented to him by one of the most
renowned poster-boys for our new culture, the champion of charity
himself. Imagine the shock and horror if Bono had presented Byrne
with a set of rosary beads and encouraged him towards the more
realistic and practical task of preparing to meet his maker.
In the
Irish presidential election of 2011,Gay Byrne was approached by some
pals from the old guard, of Fianna Fail. He was encouraged to stand
as a independent candidate for the presidency of Ireland. The Fianna
Failers undoubtedly knew there was no hope of Byrne (the seasoned
weather cock of public opinion), signing up with Fianna Fail, then
the national scape goats for Ireland's economic collapse. However in
the spirit of political self interest, a successful Byrne would at
least have kept the office from rival political parties. At the time
Byrne was without rival and all opinion polls declared the office to
be his for the taking. Our national paralysis prevents us from seeing
the difference between Byrne the performer and Byrne the man, or even
to distinguish between the performer and the politician. Democracy
brings us the reality of cowboy actors becoming presidents, of
Reganomics, and the cold war.
at the time an article in the Times advised Byrne not to pursue the
office, citing the distinction between ' Gabriel Byrne' the man and
'Gaybo' the popular presenter. The article insisted that Byrne had
always maintained a strict privacy throughout is public career, and
that in truth we know precious little about the man as opposed to the
actor or presenter. Byrne chose not to stand, however it is very
interesting to consider that the media is capable of making the
distinction between man and presenter, that Byrne is not to be
considered real for the duration of his career as a presenter, but
rather as a man that we know relatively nothing about.
Of course
there is a distinction between the man and the presenter. The
presenter is an institution, a business of sorts, much like Elvis is
a business that exists, even though the man himself is dead (so most
of us believe).
The fuel
of any institution is money and given Ireland's brutal tax regime,
the ostensibly inordinate salaries of top presenters at RTE are of
course subject to the highest taxes. Of course in Ireland the mega
rich don't experience the real pain of a fair tax system. One way
around taxes is to retire, to draw down ones pensions and be rehired
upon a new salary, this is the current model at most state agencies.
After 37years presenting the weekly Late Late show, and 25 years
presenting his weekly radio show that is exactly what Byrne the
institution decided to do. To retire and be simply rehired.
a short holiday in 2000 Byrne was back on air with a potential answer
to chronic constipation entitled The Gay Byrne Music Show. In
2006 Byrne the institution brought also gifted us the weekly Sunday
show Serenade. After which he became host of Who Wants to
be a Millionaire. In 2009 he became host of his own show
ironically called The Meaning Of Life, where avuncular Byrne
would recline in a soft arm chair with those whom the masses might
consider successful and encourage them to wax lyrical upon what they
each deemed to be the meaning of their own lives. In 2011 he
returned to the screens with a weekly slot called “For One Night
Only”. RTE's website describes the show as follows:
six part entertainment series hosted by the irrepressible
legend Gaybo, ... For one
Night Only gives
an intimate and emotional look at the featured artist's life
might ask in what way is Gaybo irrepressible? Or iretireable? Is it
the same manner in which the Catholic Church which he helped to
effectively usurp, might have similarly been described as
irrepressible? What is unquestionably irrepressible is the mentality
that would cause many Irish, many of this Dallas generation to
immediately point the the fact that 'iretireable' is not a 'proper' a
word, despite its truth and unequivocal meaning. We can rarely think
beyond the horizon of the way things are supposed to be,
rather than the way they might be. This is the paralysis that
repeatedly resurrects Byrne, it is the life blood of RTE, and it is
the paralysis that causes our nations thinkers to flee or silently
embrace their obscurity.
the distinction between the man and the institution that is Gaybo,
might be difficult for the public and the media to comprehend, the
distinction is made clear to the Tax man. Gaybos financial affairs
are cared for by his firm Gabbro LTD which posted profits of half a
million Euro in 2011. Interestingly in 2006 Byrne was appointed
Chairman of the Road Safety Authority in Ireland, (a government
appointment) his remuneration and expenses in this role are not easy
to find. I have just spent some time looking, and a brief troll of
information available on the net reveals nothing of how Gaybo or
Gabbro LTD are paid for this role which Byrne has no qualification
for, other than the issue of Road Safety being: “near and dear to
his heart”. Byrnes friends in politics are never far away. The
relationship between RTE and the Government who pay half its income,
is one that ensures criticism of the ruling establishment is always
'balanced' or weighted, and is only damning once collapse of that
regime is entirely inevitable.
one considers that the vast majority of deaths on Irish roads are
those of young people, (the opposite spectrum of Bryne's audience) it
becomes immediately obvious that Gaybo is unlikely to either appeal
to, or have much in common with the primary victim of road
fatalities. A football star or musician might at least have had some
relevance. It is little wonder that fatalities continue to rise and
precious little difference is made by the tender, somewhat camp,
avuncular phrases of a Gabbro LTD that has long since passed its
intellectual or ideological expiry.
assertion of incest might well be a weak one if the ground-hog day of
Gaybo's captainship at RTE were the only example of a single set of
irrepressible octogenarian chromosomes. Newness is an anathema to RTE
as external influence is the enemy of the incestuous.
Ireland Ireland’s
most listened to radio programme is hosted by another veteran at RTE
Aine Lawlor, who has been on air for almost quarter of a century. On
14th October 2011, Lawlor announced on air, at the end of Morning
all from me for a while as I'm taking a break for medical treatment.
Thanks to all of you who have listened over the past 16 years".
announcement left the nation gripped in suspense and The Irish Times
put listeners out of their collective misery when it announced that
Lawlor was being treated for breast cancer. The tragedy had the
consequence of propelling Lawlor's career into the stratosphere and
after a short break she returned to RTE . She was somewhat
compensated for her diagnosis with her own television show where she
could outline in maudlin detail the extent of how her diagnosis
affected her personally, and therby become the champion for cancer
victims throughout the land. It would be cynical to point to the
implicit vulgarity of using ones medical diagnosis as stepping stone
to pave the road of ones career, however the sequence of events that
flowed from Lawlors' ongoing public promotion of her private life, is
to say the least morally questionable.
of the ethical basis of Lawlor's promotion from radio to television
on the basis of her medical condition, the notion that RTE should
indulge in the overtly incestuous practice of documentaries about its
own presenters, is perhaps the ultimate expression of a vision that
has become entirely inward looking and focused upon itself. That the
cancer of a woman who has smoked for 20 years should be of more
interest to the nation because it has occurred to one of its own,
might be more interesting than the countless (and hitherto ignored)
stories of suffering that occur throughout Ireland amongst the poor,
amongst those who have not a smidgeon of the resource, and supports
that an RTE celebrity would be surrounded by, is a window to our
national ethic. Of course Lawlor herself and the demigods at RTE
would invariably declare that the purpose of her 'fearless'
advertisement of her illness, and RTEs practical promotion of that
illness, is all done in the spirit of informing and of making women
aware, and so on and so forth. However beyond the anecdote of this
or that fellow sufferer, the goodness that might accrue tto he
victims of cancer remains in the notional world of them being 'better
informed' and more aware and so on, whilst the benefits accruing to
herself and RTE differ too in that they are materially accountable in
the form of advertising revenues and personal promotion. Lawlor is
married to Ian Wilson, himself a producer at RTE, with such husbandry
it is hard to imagine where the success arising out of this cancer
will lead rise to.
at RTE would not be the same without another of Ireland's favourites
Marian Finucane. Beside Gay Byrne, Marian is perhaps the most loved
female presenter. She too has mastered that RTE magical art of
gauging the sentiment of the the majority, and feeding back to them a
reflection of all that they see themselves and wish themselves to be.
For Gaybo it was his avuncular guidance and chaperone away from the
bleak asexual or moral restraint tat was the Catholic Ireland of his
day; for Finucane it is treading that delicate line of balancing post
Catholic sentiment with a bit of 'fun', a bit of light-hearted,
harmless entertainment, about how men are so much more messy than
women, about how he leaves his underpants on the floor, and the kids
want to play video games instead of doing their homework, and sure
isnt it a lovely world after all?
her own particular brand of redundant reflecting back to us that
which we believe ourselves to be, Finiucane's company, Montrose
Services LTD, posted profits of some 791,000 euro in 2012. Not bad
for some 4 hours presenting per week. Mostly paid for by the tax
payer these are indeed expensive fairy cakes and underpants upon the
bedroom floor.
case you haven’t figured out how incomes at RTE work) The way RTE
presenters legally avoid the same tax regime that the majority of
their fan base must endure, is by setting up a company and thereby
receive their entire salaries directly. After deducting all their
expenses they will then pay a corporation tax which is substantially
lower than that which the plebs must pay. All legal and above board,
taxes are for the little people.
top presenter Ryan Tubridy was paid 723,000 in 2011 for his work at
RTE, Tubridy also avails of Ireland's ptax exemptions for the rich
and his salary is paid in full to his company Tuttle Productions LTD
which posted profits of some 60k and paid coorporation tax of a mere
1000 Euro in 2011 (there are no missing zeros). A good exercise for
Tubridy fans is to troll the internet and try to find a picture of
Tubridy wherein he is not beaming like the Cheshire cat. One might
ask can someone really be so happy all the time?
we must not blur the distinction between the man and the company as
Gaybo reminds us. Tubridy's most recent girlfriend Aoibhinn
Ni Shuileabhain, has recently secured a weekly Sunday afternoon radio
programme of her own at RTE. Whilst Tubridy will readily and proudly
declare that his own rise to stardom is as much a consequence of
former star Gerry Ryan taking Tubridy “under his wing” when he
(Tubridy) began his career at 'making tea' for his mentor.
nowhere is the distinction between the presenter and the man more
obvious than in the picture of the former RTE presenter Gerry Ryan
formerly in receipt of a salary in the region of one million euro
per annum, and recently found dead in a Dublin apartment following a
cocaine binge. At the time Ryan the presenter was the champion of a
nationwide health drive (operation transformation) to make the nation
loose weight and become healthy. At the time of his death Ryan was
morbidly obese and an habitual cocaine user. Irish audiences do not
care much for reality.
top presenter Miriam O'Callaghan who presents Prime Time on RTE
television in addition to radio programmes is another of RTEs
highest paid presenters. Glamourous Miriam is often referred to as
'insanely stylish'; Miriam is a mother of eight children, and looking
so beautiful and so fabulous after so many births is apparently one
of her cardinal credentials. Miriam is married to RTE's director or
programming Steve Carson, and of course this is merely coincidence.
and the dynastic form of the power structures within RTE is entirely
self evident, its recent inward departure of making the presenters
themselves the stuff of national presentations has perhaps
approached a new low in the intellectual incest that defines the
internal politics of our national broadcasting agency. The promotion
of Aine Lawlor from the status of subjective analyst, to subject
matter, is not unique and another notable example is in the form of
Charlie Bird, RTE's chief news correspondent who retired in 2012.
Birds first venture into the role of becoming both subjective analyst
and subject matter, was after he was assaulted in Dublin during the
riots of 2006, the follow quote from wikipaedia is informative:
was attacked during the Dublin
Riots of
25 February 2006, suffering a fractured cheekbone, soft tissue damage
and bruising.
RTÉ News broadcasts later that evening, he spoke of his personal
experience—and of how his assailants had recognised him and called
him an "Orange Bastard". Witnesses included Sunday
Independent journalist Daniel
who reported on the event the following day. Bird's appearance on
the Six O'Clock News was criticised by The Sunday
Times in its edition the following day, as it felt "Bird
makes himself the story"
must have found his transformation into subject matter to be
rewarding as it was not long before he morphed into the role and
became the subject matter of several RTE documentaries. The most
recent of which was entitled 'Charlie Bird on the Trail of Tom
Crean'. On the RTE web page devoted to the 'documentary' series
the following is unashamedly declared:
this two-part documentary series, newsman Charlie Bird heads on the
trail of legendary Antarctic explorer, Tom Crean. For over 20 years
Charlie Bird has wanted to travel to the South Pole and tell the
story of this remarkable Kerryman. In 2011 Charlie's wish came true
and to bring Crean's story to life, Charlie spent two months
crisscrossing Antarctica before travelling to the Pole itself,
completing a journey Crean was denied from making on the very cusp of
is absent from the RTE page is the information that, it is we ,the TV
licence payers who have paid for Charlie's two months of Polar self
indulgence in pursuit of his 20 year dream. RTE is truly the place
where presenters can both live for ever, and have all of their dreams
come true. It is the disneyland, the wonderland of Donnybrook, with
Cheshire cats and mad hatters A place where Irelands royalty the
princes and princesses are referred to simply as presenters. It is
most informative to watch the latter moments of Birds travels when he
reaches the polar grave of his childhood hero and breaks down in a
maudlin display of crocodile tears, that must have penetrated the
permafrost and warmed both heart and cockles of the intrepid
can only imagine what it might have cost RTE to make Charlies dream
come true, shipping a film crew and their attendant equipment and
creature comforts across the Antarctic. Filming in the ice and snow
for two months duration must have put a hefty dent into RTE's budget.
However when one considers that its revenue from advertising is in
the region of 180 million euro per year a figure that is matched by
its income from mandatory licence fees, (brining its gross yearly
revenue in the region of some 360 million) Charlies dream is mere
pennies. One must bear in mind that other nationally funded
broadcasting agencies such as NPR in the United States and the BBC,
cannot and do not sell or show advertising as they are funded by the
taxpayer. In Ireland it remains an irony of ironies that the Irish
tax payer is not only gullible enough to swallow the muck that RTE
passes off as information or entertainment, but that we should pay
for the pleasure of consuming advertisements that make up more than
20% of its transmissions.
dream is but a drop of in the ocean and RTE might well afford (if it
wished to do so) a dream for 'everyone in the audience'. The world
might even become a better place and we might love one another almost
as much as the incestuous powers that be at the national broadcasting