Thursday, 4 February 2016

Dr Marcus De Brun: Independent Candidate Dublin Fingal

Dear Voter

Little has changed in Irish Politics for many decades. Until recently politics belonged to the ‘old reliables.' Today: ‘The Times they are a changing!’ Ireland may yet reclaim her Independence from party politics and business as usual.

We live in a society where we must still go with ‘cap in hand’ to the ‘Big House’ of Local and Central Government, and appeal to be treated as Citizens. In other European Countries one does not struggle to find; footpaths, street-crossings, clean beaches, smaller classrooms, good planning and a decent health service. These should not have to be begged for, as though they were acts of charity.

Twenty years ago Local Government was responsible for; Waste, Water, and Roads. In recent years each of these have been privatised, and yet the tax take of local government has grown to include the LPT. Local government does less and costs more. Not only should the water tax be questioned, but the TV licence fee, the LPT and more. What do we the public get in return for these taxes?

Something great is happening in Ireland. Independent Politicians who can vote independent of the Party and on behalf of their constituents, are being elected in numbers that will ultimately change the way Politics works in Ireland.

The solutions to most if not all of our problems are alive and are working. They only need to be brought to the table and put into practice. For this to happen we must re-claim our independence. What is the point in voting for a party politician who can hardly think, speak or vote independently? After the Election he or she might as well stay at home.

I will demand policy and politics that makes sense, and is not beholden to party or those who lobby the Parties.

-Accountability and fiscal review of Local Government
-Deliver what we already pay far too much for!
-Community Health
-Community Education
-Social Services that promote Dignity rather than Dependence
-A Justice system that is not simply a revolving door

Party Politicians think and work for the Party.
An Independent Politician works for YOU.
Reclaim our political independence vote DE BRUN

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