Did you ever tell a little white lie? .....And then have to tell a whole heap of lies in order to substantiate the first lie?
Well that's what Party Politics is: the first little white lie. When a person joins a Party they agree to vote, speak and do as they are told, and in return the Party will look after them in various ways. This is the first little lie and little compromise that undermines our Democracy. Our problem is that we are concerned with the lies and broken promises that come later. Rarely if ever do we concern ourselves with the little lie upon which the political system has been constructed. If we wish to cure the disease we must fix the cause, and that is the first little lie.
Dr Marcus de Brun
Independent Dublin Fingal
Friday, 19 February 2016
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Press release Fingal Independent 18/02/2016
Hi John
In respect of a Press release.
The people of Ireland have been conned long enough by both Central and Local Government. The time for change is now. No more clichés and empty promises. We must recognise that our politics is fundamentally corrupt. Party politicians work for the party, they belong to. The parties pay their election expenses, dish out appointments and Ministerial posts. The parties appoint the board of RTE and that is why independents such as myself have little or no voice in Irish media. Party Politicians are loyal to their party, they do as they are told, they speak and vote as they are told. This is the first and most fundamental corruption within our politics. Politicians are beholden to their Parties and to those who hold influence over the parties. After the election they may as well stay at home. All of the parties are correct in that none of them should be in government. All of them have been in government and ALL of them have failed us.
The first step towards REAL change requires us as a people to recognise that our Democracy does not work in its present form, that it is corrupted. I believe that Ireland should be the most socially, environmentally and technologically progressive nation in Europe. We own almost a quarter of the EU's oceans. We have a beautiful country and a proud intellectual and cultural heritage. We are a nation of wasted opportunity. We hand over our wealth and our independence to Party Politics, and they sell it, and divide it amongst their friends and sponsors. As a nation we are deprived of our dignity and our independence, we crawl behind the nations of Europe, and yet it is the Irish who have arguably made the greatest contribution to the intellect and literature of western civilisation.
We need to stand on our feet and be proud of who we are. We need to end the refuelling of war planes in Shannon and reclaim our dignity as a nation that stands for something; for peace, for the environment and an end to war. We need to take ownership of our identity. We must stand up for ourselves, we need to take the opportunity that our heritage, our wealth and our ingenuity affords us, and apply a vision that will create the finest education system, agriculture, justice and health service within Europe.
We cannot do this as long as we remain corrupted by party politics. As long as politicians vote for their parties and not for the people whom they supposedly represent. We have no democracy, only a sham. A sham democracy and a sham nation.
Let us begin to stand up and take ownership of our independence, to do so we must elect independents. This is the first step towards real change.
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Dr Marcus De Brun: Independent Candidate Dublin Fingal
Dear Voter
Little has changed in Irish Politics for many decades. Until recently politics belonged to the ‘old reliables.' Today: ‘The Times they are a changing!’ Ireland may yet reclaim her Independence from party politics and business as usual.
Twenty years ago Local Government was responsible for; Waste, Water, and Roads. In recent years each of these have been privatised, and yet the tax take of local government has grown to include the LPT. Local government does less and costs more. Not only should the water tax be questioned, but the TV licence fee, the LPT and more. What do we the public get in return for these taxes?
Something great is happening in Ireland. Independent Politicians who can vote independent of the Party and on behalf of their constituents, are being elected in numbers that will ultimately change the way Politics works in Ireland.
The solutions to most if not all of our problems are alive and are working. They only need to be brought to the table and put into practice. For this to happen we must re-claim our independence. What is the point in voting for a party politician who can hardly think, speak or vote independently? After the Election he or she might as well stay at home.
-Accountability and fiscal review of Local Government
-Deliver what we already pay far too much for!
-Community Health
-Community Education
-Social Services that promote Dignity rather than Dependence
-A Justice system that is not simply a revolving door
Party Politicians think and work for the Party.
An Independent Politician works for YOU.
Reclaim our political independence vote DE BRUN
An Independent Politician works for YOU.
Reclaim our political independence vote DE BRUN
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