Tuesday 30 July 2013

Crapitalism at The Irish College of General Practice

Its actually a word crapitalism. Def:

"Use of political favor, force, or position to benefit a for-profit business, but calling it "free-market". Similar to "mercantilism"

This morning I had an email from the ICGP informing that there is a significant delay in processing the MICGP-AR applications due to the apparently unexpected large volume of applications.

For those who don't know Minister Reilly is busy working on the finishing touches to "Free" GP Care for everyone in the Audience. Effectively turning all patients into medical card patients.

Only those on the Specialist Register can see medical card patients, therefore the pressure is now on all GP's on the General Register to transfer to the oxymoronic Specialist Register for Generalist Practice.

The Medical Council refer all such applications to the ICGP and Membership of the ICGP is the gateway to the Specialist Register.

So the ICGP have come up with the MICGP-AR (Alternative Route)which would be more appropriately called the MICGP-PR. This is the back-door to College Membership for mugs like myself and a thousand others who trained abroad. The Fee for the MICGP-PR (MCQ and viva) is €7000.00 Euro, and guess what... The college is overwhelmed with applications.

Hurry Hurry. Bigger than Harvey Normans Sale!

GMS contracts €7000.00 For a limited time only. If you dont buy one .. You may be out of a job real soon!

What a great little country!

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